Saturday, April 17, 2010

I love this kid! Here are some new pics of the family. These are definitaly new ones. This was taken on April 10th. We had just come home from church. Chris was sick that day and everyone was just chillin.

Here are some other pictures that we took that day too. Hope you enjoy!

We are just Hanging around.. Get it Hanging around! 

Josh just came home from church and PJ just woke up. Noah and Leah love the camera so they jumped on PJ to take a picture with him. Isn't Gabe so Cute!!!

Gabe sitting with Allyson

So, Allyson turned 31 on Friday and we had a birthday dinner for her and family in our new house. Our new apartment is no done yet, but Chris decorated it beautifully. Here are some of the pictures from last night.

Here is the buffet table. Yummy!
Ribeye was the main course. OH YEAH!

The dinner table was set with fine china and crystal. Noah, me, Eric ( Allyson's brother in law), Meagan and Bethanie ( Allyson's Sisters) are all in this picture.

Chris, Gabe and Me eating great food. The meal consisted of Rib eye steak, deep fried yams, fresh green salad with mushrooms, cucumbers, green onions, grape tomatoes, cheese and home made ranch dressing. Cherry Coke, Diet Pepsi, Root beer and water was our drinks.
And for the best desert in the world we had my famous Caketini's. Awesome is all I have to say!

Hayley is Allyson's niece. She and Leah hit it off! Aren't they so cute! Best friends for life!

I really had a great time and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

For closers here are some cute pictures of Jack and Lopaka eating peanut butter from their kongs! Love all you guys and have a great rest of the weekend!

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